Garth WhitfordLawyer

Member: Garth Whitford
Garth graduated from Carleton University in 1986 having obtained an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Law in Psychology. In 1989, he then completed a Master of Arts degree in Public Administration at Carleton University. Next, Garth completed his Bachelor of Laws degree at the University of Torontoin 1991 and was called to the Bar in 1993. He moved to Lindsay that year and opened his law practice focusing primarily in the area of family law. With 20 years of experience with the traditional family law approach Garth looks forward to offering his clients a fresh perspective to resolving what for many will be the most difficult challenge they will face in a lifetime. The primary attractiveness of the Collaborative Family Law approach is that is replaces the adversarial nature of the resolution process which has come to symbolize family litigation with one centered on mutual accomodation and respect as we seek to find creative solutions that maximize the outcome for both parties.
Member Details
18 York StreetSouth Lindsay, Ontario K9V 3A2