Alison McArthurFamily Professional

Member: Alison McArthur
Alison holds a Master’s degree in Social Work and has been a practicing social worker and family dispute resolution practitioner focusing on separation and divorce for over 20 years. Alison is a Registered Social Worker, an accredited Family Mediator and Child Protection Mediator and holds certificates in Collaborative Practice, Child Inclusive Mediation and Counselling (Child Consultancy), Advanced Parenting Coordination and Interventions in Parent-Child Contact Problems. Her private practice is varied and includes work as a Collaborative Family Professional, Family Mediator, Parent Coordinator, and Counsellor.
Collaborative Practice offers separating couples the advantage of a non-adversarial and team approach to settling family law issues. Separation and divorce can be a confusing and painful time. As a neutral Family Professional, Alison offers a supportive and inclusive approach to help both families and couples find their way through the challenges of major and sometimes unexpected change.
Amid separation, parents are tasked with the new and often emotional experience of creating a co-parenting plan. As an experienced mental health professional and family mediator, Alison helps parents develop a comprehensive and child-centred plan customized for your family including how you will make significant decisions, share parenting time, and communicate and share important information about your children. A good parenting plan will promote children’s healthiest outcomes and future family wellbeing, enhance parental communication, and minimize the impact of parental conflict.
Member Details
Family ProfessionalAddress:
P.O. Box 18214Pickering RPO, Steeple Hill, Ontario L1V 0B8