What Can I Expect?Learn about the new way to look at separation and divorce.
What exactly is Collaborative Practice?
An alternative to family court where couples can resolve disputes without formal litigation.

Three Key Elements
In Collaborative Practice, both spouses and their lawyers sign an agreement committing everyone on the goal of reaching a satisfactory resolution. The Agreement specifically states that the Collaborative lawyers (and other professional team members who are involved) will be disqualified from participating in litigation if the collaborative process ends without reaching an agreement.
Meet Our Members1. Exchange of Information
The voluntary and free exchange of information between the spouses.
2. No Court
The pledge not to go to court.
3. Respect and Cooperation
A commitment to respect and cooperation with a desire to maximize aspirations.
Step By Step
How does Collaborative Practice actually work, step by step?
1. Choose
When you choose a Collaborative approach, you each hire a Collaboratively-trained lawyer. You meet privately with your lawyers and discuss whether you could benefit from the expertise of Collaboratively-trained Financial and Family professionals.
Or sometimes Collaborative Financial or Family professionals are the first ones you see and they refer you to Collaborative lawyers.
2. No Court
Everyone agrees in writing not to go to court. Four way, face to face meetings between you, your spouse and your chosen Collaborative professionals are designed to produce an honest exchange of information and a clear understanding about needs and expectations, especially concerning the well-being of any children.
3. Options
Once you have this information you are supported to generate options and make mutually-acceptable choices about financial and parenting issues. The outcome reached using this team problem-solving approach is documented in your separation agreement.