Carolyn McAlpineFamily Professional

Member: Carolyn McAlpine
Carolyn has been a practicing Social Worker and Mediator for over 20 years, and has extensive experience in working with children, custody and access, divorce facilitation, child protection and reconciliation therapy.
Carolyn has received both Levels 1 and 2 in Collaborative Practice as a Family Professional and is a member of the Board of Directors for Kawartha Collaborative Practice. She believes in the Collaborative approach to Family Law as it allows families to resolve their disputes creatively and cooperatively, working towards a mutually acceptable settlement, without having to allow the court to make decisions on their personal issues. Carolyn has seen great success with families participating in the collaborative law process as the team works towards bridging their differences, creating shared solutions that acknowledge each family members highest priorities, and focusing on the children’s needs when relevant.
Member Details
Family ProfessionalAddress:
189 Kent Street West, Suite 217Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5G6